Category: Social Media Guide


Fear of Missing Out

The phenomenon known as “FOMO”, or the fear of missing out, is increasingly becoming more prevalent as social media continues to rule our society. FOMO leads individuals to feel or perceive that others are...


Self-Care and Influencers

Most people think of self-care as an ongoing process of maintaining one’s living space, hygiene, and ensuring that basic needs are being met. It’s not always easy or fun, but it’s an essential component to being well. While these activities can...


Going Private

You may think of two different things when you think about social media. You may think that social media makes everyone an open book, spilling all their secrets and sharing too much information so you know where they...


Music, Social Media, and Image

Music is an extension of ourselves and a way to not only express but figure out our identity. Studies have shown that adolescents listen to more music than any other age group and use it to help shape their...