Tagged: social media habits


Social Media Takeover

Today, social media is everything. There are who knows how many apps that teenagers check in a day. We want to know who is doing what, what people are liking, what your friend from home is thinking, what your family is doing, who your crush is liking on Instagram. It’s an obsession.


When Should You Block Someone?

We all want to have the best experience that we can on social media. Even if it seems that there’s a lot going at once online, from the 24/7 news cycle to the millions of accounts that we can encounter, we still have the ability to control our experience.


Using Social Media at Night

It may be hard for some to remember the last time that they got a proper, full night’s sleep as we talk about naps and sleep this week. Schoolwork, jobs, and extracurricular activities are just a few things that can contribute to an adolescent’s hectic and busy schedule.


Current Habits in Social Media

Yesterday, the Pew Research Center published a new report about teenagers and how they use social media. It can feel like these sorts of reports and the stories that follow can occur way too...