Tagged: social media guide

Should I Send It? 0

Should I Send It?

We’ve already blogged about what it means to be in a respectful relationship, but now we want to tackle a more specific topic: Sexting. Sexting can seem harmless, especially when it is happening between...


Losing Sleep Over FOMO

Have you ever been in the library and checked your phone compulsively while slaving away on on a final paper or cramming for a final exam? Are you checking to see what other people...


Should I Send It?

We’ve already blogged about what it means to be in a respectful relationship, but now we want to tackle a more specific topic: Sexting. Sexting can seem harmless, especially when it is happening between...


The Art of Stillness

  Have you ever taken time to unplug? To step away from the screen? Would you consider a day without screens? It may be hard to image with smartphones and social media being around...


Why I Quit Social Media

The internet is not going anywhere—there is no doubt that it’s an essential part of our lives. The online world can make our lives more convenient. It gives us the means to communicate efficiently, purchase anything we...


Apps You Depend On

You know those moments when you’re hanging out with friends or family and all of a sudden you look around and everyone is on their phones, not talking or looking at each other? It...


How Facebook Tries to Prevent Suicide

Healthcare professionals and government officials have been confronting suicide for years by implementing various self-harm and suicide prevention programs. Now, social-media companies like Facebook are taking part in the fight against suicide—by using artificial intelligence (AI). Companies that run social...