Tagged: reminders


My Mental Health Quote of the Week

I have been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety lately with a new move and new job that I have posted about previously. When I am having some rough mental health days, (or recently for me, mental health weeks), I often look to quotes.


Medication Reminders

Let’s be honest: we’ve all missed taking a daily medication. It might be because you were too busy, in a rush, or simply forgot. You may have also missed taking a medication because you didn’t have the energy to do so due to your depression, or your brain might have been too foggy to remember because of other mental health issues getting in the way.


Learning to Fight Thought Distortions

I would consider myself to be on the emotional empath spectrum.  At times it feels like I’m a sponge that absorbs all the emotions, stress, and problems of others. On the surface these emotions...