Tagged: relax


Into the Wild

Spending time with animals can have calming effects and give you a break from your busy schedule. Click here to watch live footage at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to relax! Choose from several different animals...


Good News Network

The Good News Network is a site that features a whole bunch of positive, uplifting stories multiple times a day which makes me, at least, feel confident in people and often leaves me with...

a blue background with the word stress in all caps. The word is yellow and italicized 0

Making Stress Your Friend

This video has some surprising information that we found to be really interesting! It’s 14 minutes long, but fun and interesting!  How do you think about stress? Did this video change your views a...


Worry Stones

Have you heard of “worry stones” before?  A worry stone is a stone that you can carry in your pocket (or anywhere on you) that can be useful in helping to relieve anxiety or...


Device Addiction

Do you find yourself checking your phone every five minutes? Checking before you fall asleep at night? Cuddling your phone as you fall asleep? Here are some tips to get away from device addiction:...


Emotional First-Aid

Why is it important to heal your emotions? During his practice, Guy Winch, a licensed psychologist and author, noticed how most cultures value the body over the mind. He points out that we experience more...


No Resolution? No Problem!

It’s nearing the end of January and you may be feeling like your chance to have a New Year’s Resolution Intention is past. But it’s not. You can pick up a new habit, or renew...


Make Everything OK

You know that time that you wished you could simply press a button and make everything OK?… Making everything OK might be as easy as changing your mindset. The one thing you do have control over...


Taking a break

You might have heard that taking a pause in the day to recenter yourself and let yourself just be without judgment can be a way to de-stress. There is a website that can turn...