Tagged: myths


Tackling Stigma

The topic about how stigma affects how we view mental illness is not new. The way that people talk about mental illness can not only impact how we view those with mental illness, but how we can view our own. We’ve talked about stigma several times before, because it’s important to change this mindset and the harmful effects that it can have.


Therapy Isn’t for “Crazy People”

Therapy often has a bad connotation. Many people associate therapy with being “crazy.” By crazy, I mean someone who may experience delusions or engage in highly erratic behavior. I have heard a plethora of people avoid going...


Therapy: Myths vs. Reality

Interested in therapy, but not sure what to expect? Maybe you’ve heard some therapy horror stories, or seen some memes online that have deterred you from seeking services? As somebody who has seen a...


Tackling Stigma

The topic about how stigma affects how we view mental illness is not new. The way that people talk about mental illness can not only impact how we view those with mental illness, but how...


Learn more about Myths Dealing with Mental Health

Mental Health.gov compiled a list of 9 commonly believed myths about mental health and provides facts to prove them wrong.  Many people have learned inaccurate information about people with mental health issues for a...


Dispelling a Suicide Myth

Myth: Talking about suicide or asking someone if they feel suicidal will encourage suicide attempts. Fact: Talking about suicide will not cause someone to commit suicide.  In fact, it can be the first step in...