Tagged: mental health


Reflecting on 2023

It has been almost a year since I have opened this site. It can be difficult for me to keep track of how I am doing over a period of time unless I write...


Why Do Plants Improve Our Mood?

The cliched image about someone having a “green thumb” typically involves someone in their backyard, their overalls covered in dirt, hands protected by thick gloves that are rough to the touch. The garden can...


Giving Back

There are going to be a lot of chances to reflect and give back now that the holiday season is in full swing. This doesn’t only include Thanksgiving during November, but other holidays such...


Learning to Run

Sometimes all we want to do when going through a hard time is to run away from all our problems. This can be especially true when dealing with a mental illness, when our thoughts...

This is a black and white photo of a classroom with the instructor blurred in the background and two raised hands in clear focus. 2

Why Not Ask For Help?

Have you ever wanted to talk to a therapist or psychologist about difficult feelings, but hesitated? If you’ve ever felt this way, you are not alone. The reasons for this hesitation are often rooted in people’s backgrounds, and...

this is a photo of a hand holding a pen in the action of writing. 0

Tips For Improving Your Journaling Practice

In a previous blog, one of our adolescent blogging ambassadors talked about some benefits of journaling. The practice of journaling regularly has physical benefits—for example, it really helps strengthen the immune system! Emotionally, it helps us organize our thoughts,...