Tagged: LGBT


Trans Mental Health

I started testosterone last month. And while I haven’t noticed any changes, yet, I’m still infinitely grateful. Even though needles scare me, I’m able to bear through it, which is a testament to how important this is to me. If you told me I was on testosterone a year ago, I wouldn’t believe you. This has been a dream for me since sixth grade. 


Finding Myself

I believe that everyone should embrace who they are, and be proud of their unique traits, but how can I do that if I don’t even know who I am? I always knew that I was just going to be myself, and see where life takes me, but it hasn’t been that simple. I am a good student with great grades, I have amazing friends who support me through anything, my family is wonderful, so what else could I possibly be troubled with?


“When I Came Out”

It kind of makes sense that National Coming Out Day is the day after World Mental Health Day. Mental health and mental illness are almost always tied to marginalized groups, with those who identify as LGBT being no exception.


Weekend Reads: Finding Pride

Pride Month is pretty self-explanatory. Though pride isn’t limited to just these thirty days, June gives those who identify as queer and/or a member of the LGBT+ community a time to celebrate how far they’ve come...


The Power in a Name

The mental health statistics for transgender people are unfortunately bleak. Nearly half of trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming (GNC) youth between the ages of 3-17 are likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness....


Glowmedia: Using Films to Educate

It’s hard being an adolescent today, given how much technology surrounds them, the pressures placed on their futures and successes, and criticisms from adults about how they don’t understand the younger generation. It can...


QPOC and Social Media

The social media boom over the past few years has given a space for minority and marginalized groups – especially young people – to diversify their social networks. For those who feel like the...


Queer Adolescents of Color

QPOC, an acronym standing for “queer people of color,” are minorities in several ways. Not only are they racial minorities, but they are also members of the LGBTQ+ community. This intersectionality – the ways...