Tagged: healthy


Easy Recipes to Increase Serotonin

I don’t know about you guys, but I am in constant need of some serotonin. If you don’t know what serotonin is, it is the chemical in your body that helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, sleep, memory, and sexual desire. Depression can be the result of having an imbalance and a lack of serotonin in your body. Obviously, increasing serotonin levels is just one part of coping with depression, a practice that requires a variety of different techniques (all of which are different for everyone) but I thought sharing some quick (college-kid-feasible) recipes would be a fun easy method that many could incorporate into their lives to be healthier both physically and mentally.


Why I Quit Social Media

The internet is not going anywhere—there is no doubt that it’s an essential part of our lives. The online world can make our lives more convenient. It gives us the means to communicate efficiently, purchase anything we...



“The important thing is to keep trying to quit, until you quit for good.” – American Lung Association quitSTART is a free app made for teens who want to quit smoking, but adults can use...


Staying Positive

Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool. – John Mason Good On Mondays we often feature blog posts about staying positive.  However, what does this really mean?  Does...


Staying Active

We all know how easy it is to get distracted by social media! I can think of times, myself, where I’ve spent way too much time looking at posts when I could have been...


Think, Act, Grow

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has an Office of Adolescent Health (OAH).  OAH is “dedicated to improving the health and well-being of adolescents.”  One of the ways they’re trying to take...


Social Media Image

One thing that can be really tough when you have a mental illness is feeling like you are less than. Especially when you see stuff stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like.  It...