Tagged: feel your feelings


Acknowledging Feelings

It is natural in life to have highs and lows. As I have gotten older I have realized the importance of acknowledgement and acceptance. I can feel however I feel in the moment, but...


Changing Seasons, Changing States

One week into winter break and I can finally sit with myself in silence and not be scared of the thoughts that float in my head. I am glad I waited to write this post because my mental state has changed so much in the past week.


Dealing with Holiday Blues

The long-awaited holiday season can evoke so many emotions; joy, thankfulness, love, excitement, wonder – annnnd anxiety. If you’re like me, you may be feeling guilty for not sharing the same joyous emotions that...


Feeling My Way Towards Healing

A while back, my roommate accidentally let slip something I asked them to keep quiet. They felt horrible about it and apologized to me profusely. Of course, I forgave them, because in my eyes it was clearly an accident. but they kept apologizing for well over an hour.


Loss and the Holidays

The holiday season this year looks very different for everyone, and in particular there may be people like myself dealing with the first holiday season without a loved one. In February, my grandpa passed away. With the pandemic hitting shortly after, I have struggled to come to terms with the reality of it and believe at times I haven’t been able to fully grieve having not spent any real time with my grandma or spent time in their home without my grandpa there.