Tagged: be positive


Building Resiliency

Building resiliency is an important part of life. Every day we face new challenges and stressors; from academic stressors to social dynamics and interpersonal conflicts. Resilience, defined by the Americal Psychological Association, refers to...


Take a Walk in the Park

You may notice more people outside as the weather starts getting warmer and days get longer. There is something so refreshing about being able to walk outside for the first time without layers of...

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Spring is in the Air…

Winter can feel like it drags on forever, especially when it’s not your favorite time of year. The season is known for not only being not-so-popular, but one that’s harder on mental health given...

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Challenging Negative Thoughts

Stop being so negative! Are these words familiar to you? Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. Negative thinking is helpful when it protects us from dangerous situations or motivates us to complete...


Staying Warm

Even though it’s the fresh start to the year, January can feel exactly the opposite. There are no festive holidays – where it’s too late for stores to continue their Christmas and winter holiday...


Are New Year’s Resolutions Helpful?

The start of a New Year means something different for everyone. January 1st may feel like another day to you, or it may feel like a fresh start. Some people take time around the...

photo of a small dog in a tent in the center of a room. There a plants around the room. 2

Why Do Plants Improve Our Mood?

The cliched image about someone having a “green thumb” typically involves someone in their backyard, their overalls covered in dirt, hands protected by thick gloves that are rough to the touch. The garden can...