Tagged: assertiveness


Advocate for Yourself

It can be difficult to speak up for what we need, whether in our personal or professional lives. Saying “no” can feel scary, and yet it can make a huge difference in setting good boundaries. If we don’t advocate for ourselves, or are passive, we run the risk of not having our needs met and not being listened to. This can lead us to feeling stressed and upset and can even lower our self-esteem. Aggressively asking for something can also be off-putting and set us back.


Some goodbyes are destined to happen

I have been so self-confident over the past few months, but sometimes I wonder if it’s true or if it’s an act. When being faced with situations where it’s clear that I’m getting to know someone who doesn’t respect me, or it’s clear that an old friend is trying to take advantage of my kindness, I wonder what my responses to these things show about myself. Dealing with difficult people is not my strong point at all. I always go for the idea that it’s good to let people express themselves, but sometimes I question that thought and think to myself, “at what expense.”


The Human Need to Belong

Human beings all crave the feeling of belonging. We want to have familial relationships and friendships that support us and make us feel good. However, when we start to feel others no longer want us,...