Tagged: apps


An App to Consider: Happify

There are a ton of apps available that center around mental health and well-being (and we’ve definitely talked about a few of them before), but Happify takes on a collaborative approach.


New Places to Write

If you’re in school, you’re likely aware that the next couple of weeks are devoted to finals. Depending on what kind of classes you’re taking, you may have papers to write.


Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or those times when anxiety can feel so overwhelming that you it can seem like you’re frozen, itching to do something to make the feeling go away.


An App to Consider: Oak

There are a lot of benefits to deep breathing. Although the steps are incredibly simple (deep breath in, hold, breathe out, repeat), you can try different patterns and lengths of time, and may need some assistance with it.


Building Better Habits

Although it can happen at anytime, there are certain points in the year where it just feels right to reorganize and refresh your routine and lifestyle. There’s the beginning of the year (remember when...


An App to Consider: Aura

Aura is a wellness app that’s available for both iPhones and Androids. Like other meditation and wellness apps, it provides tons of features so that you can get the experience that’s best for you.


Playing Puzzles for Stress Relief

We all have a tendency to turn to our phones when we’re bored. It could be when you’re waiting in the hallway or at your desk waiting for class to start, on public transportation,...


An App to Consider: Medisafe

It can be hard to stick to a schedule. Things change and happen everyday and can throw everything off. It can be even harder to remember to stick to a schedule if you’re feeling...


An App to Consider: Stop, Breathe & Think

Stop, Breathe and Think, like other mindfulness apps, helps those take a few minutes out of their day to check in with themselves, and as the title suggests, stop, breathe, and think. Unlike most...