Tagged: anxiety


Reducing Test Anxiety

One of the greatest causes of stress in adolescents is feeling like that they have to do well in school. A significant contributor to this, and what determines a good portion of grades, are tests. This...


Why Does Organizing Help with Anxiety?

We’ve heard it before (in fact, we’ve even discussed it here): tips to help de-stress and relax often include getting organized. Whether that be through cleaning out your closet, getting a planner, or buying...


The Art and Harm of Subtweeting

The art of subtweeting isn’t a particularly difficult one. It involves posting something on social media (usually Twitter) that’s most likely negative, most likely about someone you know, but always indirect. No names are...

Stop Anxiety With Hypnosis 1

Stop Anxiety With Hypnosis

Apps are available for everything these days, including your mental health and well-being. One app available is Anxiety Relief Hypnosis. The idea behind the app is it helps reduce anxiety and fear by improving...

Back to School: New Semester 4

Back to School: New Semester

Sometimes it can be hard for students to go back to school after the holidays, especially for students with anxiety like myself. The rapid transition from the relaxation with friends and family to the...


Keep Calm and Listen to White Noise

I grew up in the country in a two-story house that had no air conditioning. When June rolled around and the steamy weather arrived, my dad would go down to the cellar and bring up our...