Tagged: action


New Year, New Me?

It’s 2022. A new year filled with what seems to be a sea of endless opportunities and challenges to come. I was never a fan of New Year’s resolutions, staying up late when I’d rather be sleeping, and the loud parties. With that being said, I try to take the time to reflect on my life and what I can do to make it better in the new year.


Making Decisions and Taking Action

I am in no way a business person, so when my close friends and family began to tell me that I should start selling my art, I felt less than capable to be able to sell my own products. To me, the idea of selling what I create provided anxiety about whether people would like it, whether they would think I was ridiculous, and whether people would actually buy things.



Two questions before we begin: How do you bring happiness to yourself?   How do you spread happiness to others?  These questions can be a little hard to answer, especially if you’ve never thought about...