Beige background with art of three (3) black people. The center person has white text over the face that says Black Lives Matter. Below, in brown text the phrase Black Mental Health Matters in all capital letters 0

Mental Health Resources for Black Youth

It can be difficult to find resources for mental health resources that feel like they’re targeted to you. This is particularly true for minorities and underprivileged groups. Racial and ethnic minorities have less access...

black profile of a person facing to the right. There is a blue circle around profile and a black background for the picture. 0

Being Only Human

Almost anything can affect us negatively. Pretty much anything can affect us to an extreme degree, even if we don’t expect it to. It can be the major, like aspects of a relationship (friend,...

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The Benefit of Naps

You may have heard about the danger of depression naps before. However, this isn’t to imply that all naps are bad for you – in fact, they’re incredibly beneficial! At first, naps can seem...

Improving Sleep 0

Improving Sleep

While it’s incredibly important to get a good night’s sleep, sleeping patterns and the amount of sleep adolescents get can get jumbled because of mental illness (for example, we’ve talked about “depression naps” and...

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Some Facts About Memorial Day

Decorating soldiers’ graves is a very ancient tradition, and the practice of doing it on a specific day has had all kinds of names in different communities. One of the most common was “Decoration...


Getting Things Done

Each day brings something different . For those in school, finals and big assignments may be coming up soon, and it can be daunting to figure out how to get everything done, especially with...


How to Use Empathy

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness,...



Dr. Kristin Neff, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at University of Texas at Austin, has spent much of her career researching self-compassion. What is self-compassion? How is self-compassion helpful? How can we get better at...