photo of a hallway. the walls are painted in a rainbow going from green to teal to blue to red to orange to yellow. 0

Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or...

art of a person taking notes on a piece of paper. there are writing utensils around the space 0

Ways to Stay Focused

It can be incredibly difficult to concentrate on something for a long period of time, especially when it comes to the more mundane and boring things, like chores, homework, or cleaning out your closet...

photo of a person in a red shirt that says volunteer in white text. person is taking a photograph of other people in the background 0

Giving Back

There are going to be a lot of chances to reflect and give back now that the holiday season is in full swing. This doesn’t only include Thanksgiving during November, but other holidays such...

photo of a person in a library reading a book. in the foreground there are books stacked so that there is an open circle framing the reader 0

Curling Up With a Good Book

There are so many ways to get comfortable with a book and get lost in the words and stories that it contains. You can read in the car during a long journey, in between...

person standing on a hill. blurred in the background is a mountain. Person is facing away from the camera wearing winter clothing. 0

Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the days get shorter this time of year, some have trouble maintaining a positive mood. One type of depression is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD typically sets in at the beginning of...

a field with a lot of golf balls 0

One bad shot…

As a golfer and captain of my high school team, I’ve faced a lot of pressure—most of it from myself. Playing individual sports can be tough because when you make a mistake, it feels...

photo of a small dog in a tent in the center of a room. There a plants around the room. 0

Why Do Plants Improve Our Mood?

The cliched image about someone having a “green thumb” typically involves someone in their backyard, their overalls covered in dirt, hands protected by thick gloves that are rough to the touch. The garden can...