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    • #12805
      Moderator ★

      Do you have any questions about starting, attending, or making any changes in therapy? Feel free to use this space to ask questions and get feedback! Do you want to know how to find out how to find a therapist? Do you have any questions about knowing when you’ve found the “right” therapist?

      We have a page with a few articles about therapy if you need a place to start here. You can also explore our therapy tag for more information and questions you can answer in this forum.

      As a reminder, please make sure to stay anonymous. Please do not share any information which can identify you like: your name, where you live, your contact information, or other personal details.

    • #14692

      I admittedly struggle to gain access to resources that show a list of therapists in the area near me that accept my insurance or are within my price range. Every time I find one that is perfect, they’re fully booked.

      My main question is — does anyone know of a good website where I can find individual or group therapy sessions and enter search filters so I can tailor my results?

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