Category: Educate Yourself


A Misdiagnosis: What’s Next?

This past week, I experienced one of the darkest periods of my life which has left me in a pile of medical bills, lost friends, and rash behavior. It had been going off and on for years but was never bad enough to the point where it affected each and every part of my life negatively. I was not able to go to work, my friends were getting tired of my antics, and I lost way more than I ever could have imagined. As a result of this, I consulted a new doctor who told me the news: I had been misdiagnosed for years and was in fact bipolar.


Journaling: What it is, Why it helps, and How to start

Journaling is a powerful mental health tool that you may want to consider trying (or may already be doing!). Journaling refers to the act of using pen and paper to put words to what you think and feel. Its positive benefits—such as helping with stress, anxiety, and depression—lie in the cathartic or therapeutic process of allowing self-expression in a safe, private space.


Untwist Your Thinking

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps us notice our negative thought patterns, also known as cognitive distortions. After we are aware of these patterns, what happens next? UnTwist your Thinking is a helpful CBT tool for challenging these negative thoughts. There are several different ways to “untwist” these negative thoughts. Here are a few helpful examples and tips.

Advocate for Yourself 2

Advocate for Yourself

It can be difficult to speak up for what we need, whether in our personal or professional lives. Saying “no” can feel scary, and yet it can make a huge difference in setting good boundaries. If we don’t advocate for ourselves, or are passive, we run the risk of not having our needs met and not being listened to. This can lead us to feeling stressed and upset and can even lower our self-esteem. Aggressively asking for something can also be off-putting and set us back.


Understanding our Strengths

When we are feeling low, we can easily forget our strengths. We can grow so used to our positive qualities that we stop acknowledging them. Reminding ourselves of our strengths can help improve our self-esteem, boost our mood, and even remind us of ways to push through rough times.


Thought Stopping

Thought stopping is a skill that can be used to interrupt negative and anxious thoughts. The idea behind thought stopping is that we can replace our negative thoughts or worry thoughts with thoughts that are more neutral, or maybe even positive.



Cognitive distortions describe patterns of thinking that skew from the reality of a situation in a negative way. We have talked about different types of cognitive distortions as well as the importance of challenging them before. Although commonly experienced, cognitive distortions stretched to their extremes contribute to psychopathology.


A TIPP for Distress Tolerance

Do you ever find yourself becoming overwhelmed with strong emotions and not knowing how to cope? TIPP skills are a great Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) tool to help you calm down in difficult moments by directly altering your body’s physiological state.


Box Breathing

Box breathing, also known as square breathing, is a method of slow deep breathing that can help you feel calm and relaxed. Deep breathing has been shown to calm your nervous system and can help relieve stress. Additionally, box breathing involves slowly counting to four, which can help distract your mind from racing thoughts. Box breathing has been shown to increase mood, making it helpful for individuals with anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles. It can also improve concentration and help you to feel more present in the moment.


Understanding Our Values

Understanding what values are and what we value can make a big difference in how we set goals. It can be difficult, though, to know what exactly a “value” is. Below is a list of some common values that you can rank from 1 to 10 as most to least important for you.