Why I am Grateful for the Quarantine

With our country finally starting to come out of quarantine and resume our daily life, it has really made me reflect on the past couple months and how they have changed me.

Even before the quarantine, I have always been an “introvert.” I do like being social and seeing my friends and family but, I need my own time to recharge and relax. Being by myself allows me to focus on things that I need to do or things that I like doing. Quarantine has definitely given me the extra “me time” that I have been longing for since starting school and becoming so busy with other things. Even though quarantine has become a burden on my life and changed a lot of things, I look back and I am grateful for this experience!

I am grateful to be able to breathe to myself for awhile instead of being bombarded with school work and studying

I am grateful to have gotten better and more refreshing sleep in the past couple months than I have in awhile

I am grateful I have gotten to spend more time with my significant other

I am grateful that I have found new hobbies and interests

I am grateful I have been able to exercise and still enjoy the things I love

I am grateful that my friends and family show me they care about me and we communicate often

Even though my school and job have been affected by this virus, I am coming out of it with a new appreciation for the little things. Even when things start to return to normal, I want to be able to take the things I learned during the quarantine and just stop and relax and reflect on the things I am thankful for!

Even though this virus was hard to deal with, what are some things that you are thankful for? What motivates you to keep going even when this is over?

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