Balancing Commitments and Mental Health

I’m a college student, a dog parent, and I work, so there’s a lot that has to get done in a short period of time. Days and weeks sometimes fly by and it’s hard to prioritize mental health with everything going on. I’ve learned that my best doesn’t look the same every week and my productivity isn’t always the same day to day either.

I’ve learned to really only commit to things I know that I have time for and am genuinely passionate about. I’ve learned how to ask for help more if I really need it. I’ve learned how to slow down more rather than push through until I burn out. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all, it takes time to really figure it out.

Regarding my mental health, I’ve been able to figure out what works for me and isn’t crazy expensive or a huge time commitment. I prioritize sleep, cook from home as much as I can, and block out an hour every week to journal and color in my coloring book. These little things really help me reset.

Balance looks different for everyone. How do you balance your commitments and also take care of yourself?

How do you balance your commitments and also take care of yourself? What are some things you prioritize for yourself?

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