Author: whiterose.139

Four people sitting on shore forming two hearts with their hands during golden hour 1

To Be Alone or Not To Be Alone

I believe that alone time is necessary and important for cultivating a healthy life. As an introvert, I value cleaning breaks in my room and driving by myself accompanied by my favorite tunes. However,...

plant growth 3

Getting Out of the Mud

Have you ever been so stuck in the mud of your own thoughts? In these moments where we stand our ground in our beliefs and perceptions, we exhibit a fixed mindset. Fixed mindsets often...


Embracing Pauses over Perfection

How many of you freak out when there is a pause in a conversation? If you answered yes to this question, I’m right there with you. For me, silence and pauses result in tense...


Taming the Mental Monster

Hello everyone! I am really excited to be a part of the SOVA blog. As someone who has been experiencing anxiety for the past 5 years, writing is an outlet for me. It is...