Author: blogger81


New Year…Same Me

With the start of a new year, there is mounting pressure to create a better version of yourself. There’s talk of resolutions and all the things that we have to accomplish in 2021 in order to be successful. The radio, social media, and your family will all be talking about their grand goals for the new year.


Overcoming Holiday Eating Anxiety

I was recently swiping mindlessly through my friends’ Snapchat stories when I came across one who had storied a flyer from her gym titled, “Maintain, Don’t Gain!” that quoted the “statistic” that, “the average American will gain 5-10 lbs this holiday season.” The point of their flyer was to encourage users to sign up for more fitness classes this season.


Fighting the Sunday Scaries

Since being placed in a new position at work a few months ago, I have found myself increasingly anxious on Sundays as the prospect of a new week looms. My new position comes with a lot of added responsibility which, for me, translates into a lot of added stress. I work hard each Sunday to find techniques that calm me down and help me enter the week more prepared.