Tagged: social media guide


Verifying Mental Health Experts on TikTok

Although entertaining, TikTok can also be an incredibly educational social media platform. Because of how short videos can be (from mere seconds to 3 minutes), TikTok can be an incredibly accessible tool and source of information.


Apps You Depend On

You know those moments when you’re hanging out with friends or family and all of a sudden you look around and everyone is on their phones, not talking or looking at each other? It can be amusing, but also a good reminder to put down our phones and be present. And while we all need to check ourselves from time to time, the reality is we depend on our phones a lot.


Getting Better Sleep without FOMO

Quite often, the first piece of advice we receive when trying to change our sleeping habits and to get a better night’s sleep is to put our phone (and all other types of screens and technology) away. Experts recommend that adolescents get at least 8-10 hours of sleep a night, and to ensure staying asleep, to avoid screen time at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before you plan to call it a night.


Social Media can Induce Feelings of Anxiety

Social media can produce high levels of stress and anxiety. Sharing and posting aspects of your life with others is the purpose of social media, but it can lead to negative outcomes. These negative outcomes can cause a mental health concern or it can trigger an existing disorder.


Weirdest Introduction

Hi, it’s Kit not Kit kat but Kit smiles because that’s what I want to do more often. Today I was on Snapchat, but for most of the day I was doing intensive research on my laptop on all sorts of things. I go on my Snapchat and I was sent streaks , which is like snap pics you send to friends. The most weirdest streak was from the guy I was seeing, he sent me a streak and I seen his tabs in which he had a tab entitled “my ex,” and how devastating (sarcasm).


Digital Overload

How many devices do you have? Do you have a phone, laptop, tablet, and wearable? How about an ebook reader? How many social media accounts do you have?


Would You Give Your Parents Access to Your Social Media?

Like it or not, we’re all on social media in some way. Despite the large amount of sites and platforms available, the chances that you have an account on the same platform as your parent is pretty likely. You could both be on Facebook, even if you might not have touched yours in months (or even years), or you may both have Instagram accounts. You might be following each other, or your parent may not know that your account exists at all.


Negativity Bias and Social Media

Negativity bias is a natural human experience. It’s why we are severely affected by what can end up being the slightest of inconveniences, even if really good things happen to us too. For example, you may have gotten an A on a really important exam, but forgetting to submit a homework assignment that same day and losing points for it is more likely to affect you.