Tagged: serotonin


Easy Recipes to Increase Serotonin

I don’t know about you guys, but I am in constant need of some serotonin. If you don’t know what serotonin is, it is the chemical in your body that helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, sleep, memory, and sexual desire. Depression can be the result of having an imbalance and a lack of serotonin in your body. Obviously, increasing serotonin levels is just one part of coping with depression, a practice that requires a variety of different techniques (all of which are different for everyone) but I thought sharing some quick (college-kid-feasible) recipes would be a fun easy method that many could incorporate into their lives to be healthier both physically and mentally.


The Mind-Gut Connection

It may seem weird that our thoughts and emotions can be linked to our stomach, but it turns out that they actually are! The gut-brain connection is a real thing! Our brains are constantly talking...