Tagged: self-image


Music, Social Media, and Image

Music is an extension of ourselves and a way to not only express but figure out our identity. Studies have shown that adolescents listen to more music than any other age group and use it to help shape their...


Media Can Help Us Realize How We Feel

I grew up always being overweight, I was that kid that tried every diet in the book, or every form of exercise and still wasn’t able to drop the weight. During what may be my entire childhood, I binge ate when no one was home – I have accounts where I would eat tubs of raw cookie dough, or containers of ice cream when no one was home; after school and alone time was just dangerous for me. 


The Moment I Realized I Need A Therapist

For what seems to be my entire life, I feel that I always manage my stress, anxiety, and struggles on my own – which I don’t think now looking back was the best thing to do. If I can be honest, I have always been insanely independent, and don’t like asking for help. I was always “that person” who brushed off the idea of a therapist, or speaking out my problems with someone who may be able to make me feel better. 


Social Media Takeover

Today, social media is everything. There are who knows how many apps that teenagers check in a day. We want to know who is doing what, what people are liking, what your friend from home is thinking, what your family is doing, who your crush is liking on Instagram. It’s an obsession.


Hanging onto Depression & Anxiety

This week, I went to see my therapist, which I do bi-weekly. Before I left, she asked a very interesting question that I took time to ponder, although in the moment, I didn’t think. The questions goes as followed: are you hanging on to your depression and anxiety? Is it acting as a comfort for you?