Tagged: mindbody



Have you ever experienced an upset stomach, a tight chest, clammy hands, or any other physical reaction when you’re stressed or depressed? The mind and body have an incredibly strong connection, and when you’re feeling an overwhelming amount of emotion, your brain can process it as being in danger even if the situation isn’t life-threatening. This initiates and is referred to as the fight-flight-freeze response.


What is my body telling me? I am listening, but I can’t understand.

I remember being complimented once by a therapist for being so “self-aware” and “in tune” with my emotions. This is true. I tend to be a person who can recognize a feeling and communicate how this feeling affects me to other people. But recently I’ve been having a more difficult time unpacking my physical and emotional feelings.


Smiling Mind App Review

The Smiling Mind app is a free app for iOS and Android that has meditation exercises geared for age groups! We think this is really cool because meditation for a 10 year old is...


When in doubt, “OM” it out.

“Downward facing cat.  Nailed it.” There are many yoga poses that individually can be helpful, but an integrated, regular yoga practice, including meditation, can reconnect you with your true essence and your inherent wholeness....