Tagged: childhood


How Siblings Can Affect Your Mental Health

No two sibling relationships are the same. Some may not see theirs very often, while others see them all the time and share the same room. Some only have one, while others have enough to count on both hands. There are some who may hate a sibling, while others see a sibling as their best friend (and honestly, a lot of us feel both of these feelings towards one at the same time!).


In a Dark Place

I really want to write something inspirational, but I am not feeling very inspirational right now. In my previous post I talked about my struggle with anxiety, but I kind of need to touch on depression.


What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?

This blog post includes mentions of suicide and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these items triggers or upsets you. Adverse childhood experiences (shortened to ACE), are stressful and traumatic events that have...