Tagged: be positive


Adjusting to Full-Time Life

I am officially one week into working full-time after graduating college (I’m writing this blog post as of 1/8/2022), and ultimately I am feeling great and felt like I should share with others some things I learned and noticed. Graduating from college can be a really scary and sad time since you are uncertain how your after-college life will change, your friends may be moving, you’re suddenly working nonstop on a job you may ultimately love or hate, and so many new changes and experiences.


Revising Those Resolutions

Do you tend to give yourself really ambitious New Year’s Eve resolutions, and find yourself feeling depressed if you may slip off track a bit? Do you think it could be time to dial back a little this year and make those New Year’s resolutions as achievable as possible? I’m not saying to make them easier, but to make them more tangible, and therefore more doable, could greatly benefit your mental health.


Keep Moving Forward

I recently watched Meet the Robinsons, a Disney movie released in 2007. The central theme of Meet the Robinsons is the catchphrase of the futuristic and quirky Robinson family, “Keep moving forward!” I found this an especially enriching, relatable theme.


Out of Control

Do you ever feel like life is happening FOR you? Feel like you have no say in the monotonous daily routine? Feel that you can’t ever hit pause and take a break for yourself? Are you spiraling in a whirlwind, perhaps a bit out of control?


At Ease

I’ve been feeling more at ease lately. In the past my self-esteem has not always been great – whenever I try to remember past me it’s like I don’t recognize her. I can no...


Embracing Your Mental Illness

Obsessive compulsive disorder is something I have been battling for the past three years and it has not been easy. But, it has truly changed my life for the better. Weird right? You’re probably thinking to yourself “how could a mental illness that causes extreme distress and discomfort make my life better?”


Gradual Goals for Growth

Life is complicated. That is no secret. Where the secret lies in how to approach life effectively, often one step at a time. Confucius once said, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” This quote provides an effective illustration of this point.


Positivity During Thanksgiving

You’ve probably seen a lot of posts and ads about giving thanks, especially now that November, and the holiday season in general, has started. This time of year is often one meant to be filled with joy and positivity, sharing events with loved ones and making memories.