Tagged: acceptance


Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

Social media is inundated with posts about body positivity. While body positivity can be helpful for some people, it still inadvertently places emphasis on appearance as a measure of self-worth and promotes the idea that we need to love our body in order to love ourselves. There is nothing wrong with loving our bodies, but it can be hard to love or even like our bodies when we are starting from a place of negative body image. Simply put, body positivity can feel like an impossible feat for many people.


Radical Acceptance

One mental health technique that I have been thinking a lot about recently is radical acceptance.  According to Psychology Today, radical acceptance is the process of accepting life the way it is, even if it makes you uncomfortable. 


Accepting Happiness

This is something that I have recently come across. It is actually quite challenging. For life to be so good. There were days where I never thought life would get better. To look back on the past few days and realize that, finally, you were happy.


Expressing and Feeling Grief

You may have seen an article from the Harvard Business Review floating around your social media sites recently. If not, this article puts a name to one of the many emotions you’re likely feeling right now as everything has turned upside down: grief.


The Influence of Influencers

This past week has shown the power of YouTube influencers. The 43-minute “takedown” video by Tati (a notable beauty YouTuber) of former mentee and friend James Charles (also a notable beauty YouTuber) not only...


An App Designed to Stop Lunchroom Bullying

Have you ever had to sit by yourself in the lunchroom? Seventeen-year-old Californian Natalie Hampton has—for two whole years—and she’s invented an app to make sure no one else ever has to go through that. When Hampton—an...


True Friendship

As we go through life, people move in and out of our social interactions. Particularly in adolescence and young adulthood, in settings such as school or extracurricular activities, we constantly meet people and create relationships. But how do...


An App Designed to Stop Lunchroom Bullying

Have you ever had to sit by yourself in the lunchroom? Seventeen-year-old Californian Natalie Hampton has—for two whole years—and she’s invented an app to make sure no one else ever has to go through that. When Hampton—an...