Author: callmemars


Trans Mental Health

I started testosterone last month. And while I haven’t noticed any changes, yet, I’m still infinitely grateful. Even though needles scare me, I’m able to bear through it, which is a testament to how important this is to me. If you told me I was on testosterone a year ago, I wouldn’t believe you. This has been a dream for me since sixth grade. 


How Important is Music?

Music is a part of the human psyche. Cavemen banged together stones rhythmically and vocalized. Music has evolved a lot since then and is constantly evolving.


Hobbies and Mental Health

One of my biggest coping skills is practicing one of my endless hobbies. Whenever I feel like my feelings are going to swallow me whole, I try to use a hobby to channel that energy. This is where it helps to have multiple hobbies.