Color to Your Heart’s Content Online, with Weavesilk

weavesilkColoring books for big people are a huge trend these days. If your hands find themselves wanting to do something and you don’t have markers and paper, but you do have a computer, here’s a way you can make art.

Weavesilk allows you to make symmetrical art easily with only a mouse or touchpad.

Here are some guidelines to help you get started.

  • Once you’re on the site, click “Draw something.”
  • In the upper left hand corner, there is a blue dot. Hover over it—it should say “controls.”
  • Click on that—it will show seven colors, and you can change the color you are working with by clicking on the color you want.
  • You can mix colors by holding onto color with your mouse and dragging it to another dot of color.
  • You can also play with the bar labeled “rotational symmetry,” and turn the “mirror across center” and “spiral towards center” on or off.
  • Draw by clicking in the center and moving your mouse.
  • To clear the page hit the space bar, and to undo click “z.”

Do you have any other sites you like to use when you need a distraction or to keep your hands busy? List them below!

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