Tagged: tv show


Media Can Help Us Realize How We Feel

I grew up always being overweight, I was that kid that tried every diet in the book, or every form of exercise and still wasn’t able to drop the weight. During what may be my entire childhood, I binge ate when no one was home – I have accounts where I would eat tubs of raw cookie dough, or containers of ice cream when no one was home; after school and alone time was just dangerous for me. 


TV Shows and Content Warnings about Mental Health

Television shows have been including trigger warnings for years. You may have noticed the box in the upper left corner with a not just a suggested age warning, but a few letters underneath to indicate if there’s violence, sex, heavy language, or suggestive dialogue. It’s also those black screens that show up right before the episode starts, sometimes included with a stern, male voice warning about more specific content in the episode that may be disturbing and that “viewer discretion is advised.”


“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”

As I was looking for a new TV series to start a few years ago, a friend of mine recommended Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I had heard about this show in passing but had never looked...