Tagged: reduce stress


Stress and Anxiety with Dr. Krystal Lewis

Stress and anxiety are terms we hear a lot in our daily lives, especially while living through such extreme circumstances, like the current pandemic, but how often do we see these topics broken down in a helpful way? In a 30-minute talk presented by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Dr. Krystal Lewis, a licensed clinical psychologist, explains where stress and anxiety come from and some coping strategies.


Stress and Headaches

Luckily, I am someone who does not get headaches very often. Most of the time it’s when I forget my morning coffee. I can take a couple Ibuprofen and it goes away and I move along with my day.


What is self-care?

You may have heard the term “self-care” being used on social media or in interactions with other people. It’s an idea that has only recently become popular. I have seen arguments both for and against self-care. Some...

a blue background with the word stress in all caps. The word is yellow and italicized 0

Making Stress Your Friend

This video has some surprising information that we found to be really interesting! It’s 14 minutes long, but fun and interesting!  How do you think about stress? Did this video change your views a...


Reducing Stress with Easy Yoga

Anxiety is a huge mental stessor.  When we feel anxious, our body’s “fight or flight” response kicks in.  Fight or flight prepares us to struggle or escape. This response starts in your brain and branches into...