Social Media

(TW: This article contains mention of disordered eating and body image/self-esteem. Please call or text the NEDA hotline (800) 931-2237 or visit their site at Eating Disorders Helpline | Chat, Call, or Text | NEDA ( )

Social media has always negatively affected my self-esteem. I would open up Instagram and everyone was picture perfect, and when I looked in the mirror I didn’t feel up to par. The lowest my self-esteem has gotten was in high school. This was the time when I used to starve myself because I wanted to lose weight and be like the models in the pictures. I used to get very dizzy after swimming practice because I hadn’t eaten the whole day. This only lasted for a little while until I started binge eating and gained about 40 pounds. This was all in a mix of having been diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

While I do know that my mental health issues weren’t rooted in high school, I do know that my mental health issues weren’t solved from middle school which caused harm to my self-esteem. I primarily think that the cause of this period was due to having very low self-esteem, unhealthy relationships, and mental health issues. While this was the lowest part of my self-esteem journey, it wasn’t the lowest for my mental health but that’s for a different conversation.

I have healed from my self-esteem issues now but it took a while to recover from them. I don’t think it is easy because social media is everywhere and everyone uses it but it does help if you have a support system and learn self-acceptance and self-love.

I did find a good article that talks more in depth about self-acceptance and self-love.,our%20positive%20and%20negative%20facets.

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