How to post art and other media

If you want to share your experiences with mental health but do not want to write, we also accept media blogposts!

For all the artists, musicians, and photographers who have a passion for emotional wellness, we want you to submit artwork, music, and photos related to your journey with mental health! If you don’t create your own art, that’s okay! Feel free to share your thoughts on an existing piece of artwork or music related to mental health.  

Here is an example article about positive music – feel free to find music that inspires you and share a little about why. Our friends at HouzeofWaxx also have some neat info about music and mental health.

If you want to share music you have created or an audio recording, we would be happy to share that too!

Here is an article sharing art made online.

Here is a video about how to create images in canva that relate to mental health – these are ones we created for our Instagram page but we can share them as an article too:

Sound interesting? Contact for more information