Category: Educate Yourself


Putting Yourself Back Out There

I’m going to be candid here: I have never done well with breakups. Not that anyone really does well with them, but I can definitely say that I handle them worse than the average person (which has been confirmed by the two therapists I’ve had during these breakups).


School Reminders

Back-to-school is always rough. If you’re like me, spending the summer on island time, the abrupt slide back into due dates and schedules and meetings is the worst.


Mental Health as a Med Student

The stress of summer ending and school starting can have anyone uneasy: new friends, new teachers and new work. As a new med student, the stress of school and other important assignments was scary for me.


Going Back to School

School is starting again which can be extremely anxiety-inducing for many teenagers. I know it is for me at least especially since it is my senior year and I have to apply to colleges.


Always Thinking What If?

One big thing I have always struggled with anxiety-wise are the “what ifs.” What if I fail this test? What if nobody likes me? What if I embarrass myself? What if….. The list goes...


When Should You Seek Help?

After what felt like a lifetime of being dissatisfied with my body, eating disorders, and depression, I finally sought help during my freshman year of college.


“I can handle this on my own”

Adolescence is a time where we want to and feel like we can do everything on our own. This desire to be an individual without asking others for help happens with pretty much everyone once they start puberty.


The Benefit of Group Therapy

Do you have one night a week free? Even just an hour of extra time? If so, you should try to join group therapy. I go to group therapy on my college campus, and it has changed my entire college experience for the better.