Category: Be Positive


The Musical Cure

The violin is a beautiful wooden instrument with a rich tone and a wide range of pitch. It can have different musical voices depending on the techniques used. It is the first-ever instrument that...

Back to School: New Semester 4

Back to School: New Semester

Sometimes it can be hard for students to go back to school after the holidays, especially for students with anxiety like myself. The rapid transition from the relaxation with friends and family to the...

Having a Bad Mental Health Day 1

Having a Bad Mental Health Day

Living with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues can sometimes be taxing. I know I have come across this a lot—I feel down, anti-social, or just plain exhausted! While it’s true that we are...


Hobbies Help Keep Away the Summer Blues

Summertime is something students look forward to all year. But some people develop the “summer blues.” For these people, the summer’s brutal heat, bright light, and long days can contribute to depression. Also, when...


How a Summer Job Helped My Mental Health

Summer break means a lot of free time, which can give people a chance to relax after a stressful school year. It’s important to be able to take time to recharge, and it can help people prepare for...