Category: Be Positive

Finding Motivation For Your Passions 3

Finding Motivation For Your Passions

The past few months, I haven’t given any time to writing music, which is something I used to be very passionate about. Music used to be a big coping mechanism for me for dealing with my anxiety. Any negative emotions I felt could easily be expressed through writing a song.


Seasonal Changes

As the weather cools, the sky darkens, and the color of the leaves change, so do our behaviors and attitudes. The term often used is “seasonal affective disorder.” Our energies begin to compare with the depleting elements in our environment.


Oranges for Anxiety

The past few weeks have been particularly rough for me in regards to my anxiety. I’ve been experiencing a range of slight nervousness to full on panic attacks. You probably have had similar experiences. In the middle of a panic attack, it’s difficult to stay grounded and rationalize your behavior.


It’s Kind of Funny That…

You’ve probably heard the phrase before: laughter is the best medicine. While it may not be the cure for any disease, it helps relieve some of the pain that can come with them.


Controlling Emotions

It’s impossible to be in control of our emotions all the time. After all, we’re only human, and we react to things in different ways as they happen, whether we want to or not.


Calming Down through…Smell?

Take a moment to think of scents that make you happy. It could be the smell of your favorite food, your significant other’s perfume, or the scent of opening up a new binder.


When I’m Old

This is a poem I wrote about anxiety and how things that feel catastrophic now aren’t always worth the time and stress we tend to waste on them.


Going Back to School

School is starting again which can be extremely anxiety-inducing for many teenagers. I know it is for me at least especially since it is my senior year and I have to apply to colleges.