68 Search results

For the term "mindfulness".

An App to Consider: Headspace

Headspace is one of the most popular and well-known apps in the search for mindfulness apps and apps that provide support for mental health (we’ve even covered it before too!). The animations and voices are soft, relaxing, and have varied lengths and topics so you can choose what’s best for you out of convenience and need.


Conducting a Body Scan

If you attend therapy or have delved into any sort of mindfulness practice, you may have heard of something called a body scan. If not, it’s exactly what it sounds like (though probably a little less medically intensive).


Four Christmas Gifts that Promote Self-Care

With the holiday season in full swing, you may be stumped on what to get your friends and family members. I think gifts should show people you care about them, help bring out the individuality of the receiver and bring joy well after the holiday season.


Building Better Habits

Although it can happen at anytime, there are certain points in the year where it just feels right to reorganize and refresh your routine and lifestyle. There’s the beginning of the year (remember when...

Stop, Breathe, Think from your Computer 0

Stop, Breathe, Think from your Computer

We’ve talked about the app Stop, Breathe, and Think before. It’s a clean, straightforward app designed for mindfulness and gives you a variety of meditation options that are customized depending on your mood.


An App to Consider: Stop, Breathe & Think

Stop, Breathe and Think, like other mindfulness apps, helps those take a few minutes out of their day to check in with themselves, and as the title suggests, stop, breathe, and think. Unlike most...


Walk-and-Talk Therapy

Given the benefits of walking outside on mental health, it seems like the natural next step (no pun intended) to take the self-care practice to a more professional level. Walk-and-talk therapy has professionals literally take...


Taking a Deep Breath

Tips, advice, and articles talking about the benefits of mindfulness and well-being are everywhere. Blogs and websites (including this one!) have a lot to offer about the ways in which we can find ways...