447 Search results

For the term "social media".
gray background, in the center of the image is a silhouette of a person with messy hair facing away from the viewer. The entire image is blurred to appear like fog. 0

Negativity Bias and Social Media

Negativity bias is a natural human experience. It’s why we are severely affected by what can end up being the slightest of inconveniences, even if really good things happen to us too. For example,...


Music and Social Media

What are your favorite genres? Do you enjoy the stuff currently on the radio? Do you like pop, rock, rap, or any of the specific subgenres within them? Maybe you like a combination, or...


Holidays and Social Media

We’ve discussed before how being 100% happy during the holiday season is just not realistic. In fact, feelings of anxiety can spike (especially those taking finals), the holiday blues is a real phenomenon, and...

this is a picture of a smart phone with social media apps 0

Social Media & Self Esteem

The urge to maintain an online presence can be exhausting. Sure, social media isn’t always negative, but there are important things to keep in mind about using social media that can prevent it from being...