56 Search results

For the term "grateful".
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Some Facts About Memorial Day

Decorating soldiers’ graves is a very ancient tradition, and the practice of doing it on a specific day has had all kinds of names in different communities. One of the most common was “Decoration...


Positivity During Thanksgiving

You’ve probably seen a lot of posts and ads about giving thanks, especially now that the Thanksgiving holiday is near. In general, this time of year is one meant to be filled with joy...


Gratitude Prompts

According to Grateful, researchers at Harvard Medical School report, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” However, Brianna Steinhilber writes that while...

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Learning How to Be Alone

I have noticed that I struggle with loneliness. With the encouragement of my therapist, I spent this Thanksgiving break focusing on myself and re-learning what I like to do. I rediscovered some of my...



Happy Monday to all our readers! We hope you have the opportunity today to sit down with your loved ones. This time is a wonderful chance to consider the things you are grateful for...


You Will Make It Through

It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the middle of a crisis. Learning how to cope and give myself grace in those moments is a...


Finding Happiness in Yourself

You probably read the title of this article and had some thoughts on your own. If you’re anything like me, you had thoughts of disbelief. Life is too hard to begin with. It has...